Camping World Introduces CW Auctions


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To make preowned RVs available to a wider audience of prospective buyers, Camping World is introducing CW Auctions, a nationwide in-person and online auction platform open to wholesalers and members of the public. With pre-bidding starting at just $1 on most units, CW Auctions gives RVers the potential to buy preowned RVs at unbeatable prices. 

Learn how the auction works and what you’ll need to place bids on RVs at the next live auction here. 

What Is CW Auctions?

The used RV inventory at a CW Auction.
Photo by Camping World

In-person or online, CW Auctions uniquely allows buyers to bid and buy preowned units from anywhere, with hundreds of options to choose from. 

CW Auctions hosts physical events at locations across the country, with preowned units posted online in the weeks leading up to the auction. Prospective buyers may view and make maximum pre-bids on units they’re interested in. 

Bidding goes live on the auction’s opening day, with real-time bids and maximum pre-bids competing until the highest offer wins. Winners then work with auction specialists to claim their RV. Options include claiming the RV at the auction site or coordinating delivery at competitive delivery rates. 

How to Shop CW Auctions

Outdoor RV auction in a Camping World parking lot.
Photo by Camping World

Interested in participating in a CW Auction? Registration is available onsite and online. Whether you attend in person or online, you must complete a registration form and provide an acceptable form of identification before bidding. 

To sign up online, CW Auctions recommends completing registration and online verification in advance to ensure you don’t miss out on bidding. (At the time of registration, you will be asked to place a temporary $1 bid on a valid credit card to verify your account. 

Once you’re registered and verified online, here’s how the bidding process works: 

  • Online pre-bidding starts at $1 in the weeks leading up to the auction. 
  • Enter the maximum pre-bids for any RVs you’re interested in. 
  • Pre-bids automatically update before the event and during real-time bidding until your maximum bid is surpassed.
  • During the event, real-time bidding occurs online and in person simultaneously. 

You can learn more about the entire CW Auctions process here. 

Inventory at CW Auctions

RV auction parking lot with used RVs.
Photo by Camping World

CW Auctions sources a wide selection of preowned RVs from various dealerships for each event, including towable and motorized RVs from different manufacturers. You can find the inventory for each auction online in the weeks leading up to the event. You can find RV specs, floorplan details, condition reports, photos, location info, and more. 

CW Auction Financing

Indoor auction checkin booth.
Photo by Camping World

Upon winning a unit, buyers have the option to finance their purchases. If a bid is accepted and the buyer is interested in financing, they will work with an auction specialist to take the next steps. However, it’s important to note that all sales are final, and a winning bid does not automatically guarantee financing. 

Ready to Register?

You can register for upcoming or open auctions today. Pre-bidding may already be open on an auction now. To get started, visit and explore upcoming or current auctions to attend online or in person. 


  • Comment (60)
  • Nick B says:

    4 things:

    1. Your reserve prices are unrealistic in the current RV market. Your auction that ended 1/8 had one bidder meet the reserve and it was an $8,000 teardrop. Bidding stopped where it did because that’s the market right now, not because of a lack of interest.

    2. The auction has a time limit, it should not be adding an additional 2 minutes if a last second bid is placed. With eBay, once the time is out, it’s out.

    3. I attempted to bid $500.02 above the prior bid, and it was rejected on a Class C Tiffin Wayfarer yesterday, giving the auction to someone else (I think it was still below the reserve). The website said $500 increments, I assumed it was more than $500, not exactly $500 my mistake, but unclear.

    4. You mentioned that there will be condition reports on the units in future auctions (in April of 2024 you said that on the prior comments). This is January of 2025 and there are no condition reports posted, many don’t have miles or even complete photos showing the generator and type, noting things like torn or disintegrating seating which is not always obvious in the photos. Options have to be figured out from what photos there are.

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Nick, apologies for the delay — following up on your inquiry into Condition Reports, those are rolling out for the Fort Pierce Auction now and should all be available in the next day or two. Thanks for your comments regarding the auction process, as I know they are always working to improve the experience. If you ever experience other issues like the bid rejection, please feel free to reach out directly to the support team who may be able to provide additional insight.

  • John Grosch says:

    Thank you for the response, Carl. However I recieve an error code “550 5.1.1” that the email address “cw********@ca**********.com” does not exist. I tried using the contact form to send a message on the “Contact Us” page but have not recieved a response.

  • Steven W Hulsey says:

    This is a total SCAM not an auction. They take your info and then call you 10 times a day. I won an “auction” then was told there was an additional $7000 in fees.

    • Carl Corder says:

      Thank you for your comment. Offer price or “Buy Now” price excludes tax, title, license, finance charges, service fee, emissions testing charge, and other fees required or allowed by applicable law; document, freight and prep fees. We appreciate your feedback as we are always looking at ways to improve. Please email details of your experience to cw********@ca**********.com so that our auctions team can look into this further.

  • Desiree says:

    So if there is a reserve on most units…. Why not start the bidding at the reserve price or at least list the reserve instead of getting people’s hopes up that they are the highest bidder only to find out they have to pay well over the bid price? And if that’s the case the units aren’t really that discounted in the end!

  • francisco cunningham says:

    I agree with some of the user’s
    This seems to be a scam
    Participated in 2 auctions and won them both actually I was the only bidder on the second one I got a message that I did not meet the reserve price
    So I asked for it after a few day’s they responded and felt the price was reasonable I then wrote to them that I was interested and haven’t heard from them since which is like 10 day’s

    • Tari Litteral says:

      The reserve price on some units are listed did you bid over the reserve? And if you did was it that they wouldn’t honor that bid over reserve?

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Fransisco,

      Thanks for your comment. The team is actively working on improving the auction experience, and we apologize for any confusion you’ve experienced so far. I’m glad you initially heard back on your inquiry into the reserve. If you still have not heard back I recommend reaching out through the CW Auction Contact form as we are unable to address specific inquiries here: Thanks for your patience as we work on making this a cleaner and clearer process.

  • Aaron Atkins says:

    Very unhappy with my Auction experience. Even though I was the highest bidder after the auction close time. I was informed 30 hrs after auction close that I was not the highest bidder, I have a screen shot showing I was. I guess they sold it after for more money at the location. The fine print gives you no rights and your bid means nothing. Maybe the BBB will follow up on this.

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Aaron,

      Thanks for your comment — and I apologize for any inconvenience you experienced during the bidding process. The auction team is actively working on improving this experience, and while I don’t have the visibility to speak to the specific instance you refer to, I encourage you to reach out via the CW Auctions “Contact Us” form.

  • Tracy Laird says:

    I just found the one I was listed as winning yesterday, relisted for a new auction. MASSIVE waste of time. You lost our business.

  • Tracy Laird says:

    How long after the bid closes do we find out if you are officially selling it at the amount offered? It says pending & end time, but is still open to bids & buy now?

  • Peter McSparran says:

    I was the highest bidder on 6/23 for Lot: 2023 NEWMAR VENTANA 4328 – NEW (Lot 123). How will I find out if I won the auction or not?

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Peter,

      Thanks for your comment. Please forgive the delay in getting back to you. If the reserve was met and you were the highest bidder, you would have received a notification indicating you had won. If you did not receive anything, unfortunately the reserve had not yet been met. The auction team is actively working on improving this experience to create a cleaner and clearer process for everyone.

  • Deb Clausing says:

    I bid on an RV on the online auction. I did previously go take a look at it. There was one bid (at minimum) on the RV. The online auction ended last night at 8:00pm. I placed my bid shortly before the cutoff and when I did, they extended the time by 5 minutes. I went back and forth with another bidder and each time, the clock added another five minutes until I stopped bidding. Minimum bid was $32000, the final bid was at $46000. I assumed the other person won the item but today I see the same RV relisted on the online auction website again in a new auction. The buy outright price was $75000. Not sure if they only accept offers at that price or higher but it was very misleading on how they handled the online auction. Very unhappy with how Camping World handled this. If the reserve amount is different than the minimum bid, they should state that. I have searched multiple websites, and have not found anyone who actually bought an RV through the online auction. Is this just a scam?????

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Deb,

      We’re very sorry to hear about your experience. The CW Auction team is actively working to make the new online auction process more clear, in particular with the issue of meeting the reserve. When a unit does not meet the reserve, it is relisted, which I believe is what happened here. We appreciate the feedback and apologize for any headache this caused.

  • Benjamin Lipinski says:

    What’s the difference between the auctions and online sales? I notice the online sales seem to be various locations across the US and they have starting bids.

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Benjamin, the Live Auctions refer to the auctions that are hosted at a specific location with those units on the lot. Bidding for these occurs at the location and online. Currently, Online Sales is unavailable, but I will update you when I have additional information.

  • Richard says:

    cwauctions is a scam. Tried to contact the dealership where the unit is located and they have no clue its even up for auction. No number to call for more information. I was the highest bidder on a unit and haven’t had anyone contact me. They relisted the same unit/pictures on the next auction in 6 days. No reason or explanation provided!! Please don’t waste your time. Makes me wonder if just a marketing tactic to generate hype and try to incite a bidding war.

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Richard,

      We’re sorry to hear about your experience. If you were not contacted, unfortunately the reserve was likely not met — and I can understand the confusion. The auction team is working on making this a more transparent experience. While I can’t speak to the specific instance you’re referring to, you might reach out to CW Auctions “Contact Us” via their online form for additional information.

  • Jesse Ryan says:

    I’d like to know what the costs and fees are above the auction price.

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Jesse< For online sale, you are subject to a 3% buyers premium plus any applicable taxes, title fees, license fees, and doc fees that are imposed on a state by state basis. For the in person auction, you are responsible for a 5% buyers premium (min $789) that includes the doc fee and you are responsible for any taxes, title fees, or license fees.

  • Jose A Sosa says:

    any warranty

  • Kerry says:

    Is it possible to hear from others who have purchased a camper from the auction to verify the process?

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Kerry, that’s a great question. We don’t have anything to share at the moment but would love to include first-hand experiences. More to come!

  • Logan Brown says:

    If I hit the buy now button before the auction will I be able to still pickup the unit on the last pickup day specified (a week after the auction) or do I have to pick up immediately?

  • Michelle Rowan says:

    I purchase a unit at Auction. I have submitted a request to be contacted and have yet to hear from anyone from the Auction side. I have secured financing and will need unit delivered, but am told I have to go to North Carolina to sign paperwork (I live in in Florida). isn’t there any way to have financing send forms to a local camping world to finalize the purchase so I don’t have to travel to NC just to sign papers?

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Michelle,

      Thanks for your question! Each state is a bit different in what they require from a paperwork standpoint to purchase a unit sold at Auction. The selling dealership should be in contact as soon as a unit sells to coordinate paperwork which can usually be done via mail if a direct signature is required. Were you able to arrange this with the auction specialists?

  • James K Murphy says:

    could I get a list of CW auction locations please

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi James,

      They announce these month-to-month, as of now. You can find the upcoming auctions here, with the first occurring today:

      • Janelle Fiorito says:

        I’d like to bid on a camping van. Is there any paperwork available – mileage etc – that can be viewed online? Also, you say that these are used R s. Yet the ones I am looking at say they are new. Are they new?

        • Carl Corder says:

          Hi Janelle,

          Thanks for your comment. The units should include a “Condition Report” on their listing which includes information like mileage and results of a quality inspection. The last one I looked at included images of the inspected area (roof, tires, etc.). And my apologies for any confusion regarding new/used. Previously, all Auction RVs were pre-owned. New units are now available as well as pre-owned, and this will be indicated on the listing.

  • Dale says:

    Is it possible to get the VIN number for an auction vehicle before bidding? Is it posted somewhere whether or not there is a reserve on a particular coach? Is the reserve generally the buy it now price?

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Dale,

      VINs are available and usually on the condition report. If they are not listed we are happy to provide. All units have a reserve unless explicitly listed in the title *NO RESERVE* The reserve is set below the buy it now price but not publicly disclosed.

  • CARL HALL says:

    My brother and I placed a bid on a 2019 Winnebago micro Minnie 2160DS trailer lot 17. We watched the action online. The ticker counted down to zero, and there were no other bids. Are bid was nine thousand five hundred dollars. Can someone
    explain what happened?

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Carl,

      I’m sorry to hear about your experience. While I don’t know the full details, I found this 2019 Winnebago model on the May 2024 auction stream and see that the starting bid was at $10,000, which makes me think pre-bidding already placed it above your bid. You can see it starting at the 55:20 mark here:

  • michael ozuna says:

    Are these clean title units?

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Michael,

      Future auctions will include a 3rd party evaluated Condition Report that would note any observable damage to the RV. Previous auctions have had something similar, but this will be more readily available as they dial-in the process.

  • Jennifer E says:

    Are these units with mechanical issues? I noticed they are bidding a bit low. Thanks!

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Jennifer,

      Great question! Future auctions will include a 3rd-Party evaluated “Condition Report” that should note any observable issues with the RV. Something similar has been available on select units in previous auctions, but they are working to standardize this for all units sold on the platform. These are used units, and, as with any used sale, there is the potential for issues. But they are working to provide as much information on the units as possible.

  • Jennifer says:

    Are these units with mechanical issues? I noticed they are bidding a bit low. Thanks!

  • Christy says:

    Hi! Where is the next auction location? Hoping something in Florida area

    • Hi Christy,

      The next auction on May 1st is Virtual, so you can attend from anywhere.

      After that, the auction on May 16th is in Vacaville, CA.

      You can stay up to date on upcoming locations here:

      • Charles Hyma says:

        A little difficult to understand how someone would actually see what they are bidding on a virtual auction
        How can someone be notified of upcoming auctions?

        • Carl Corder says:

          Hi Charles, you can sign up at to receive email updates and be notified about upcoming auctions. For the virtual auction, you can already see photos of the units that are up for pre-bidding this week.

          • Richard says:

            What is included in the final price beside the won bid price? Does it have other upcharges like dealer prep charge, destination charge or it just have title fee , sale tax and registration fee?

  • Douglas Highfill says:

    Where is the next auction at so I can preview unit’s

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Douglas, the next auction is this month in North Carolina:

      Date: Saturday, April 20th, 2024 @ 11am EST

      Location: 2918 N Rugby Rd, Hendersonville, NC 28791

      Auction Preview: April 18th & 19th from 9am–6pm EST and April 20th from 9am-11am EST

  • Gaby says:

    How does delivering work from NC to Tx?

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Gaby,

      If you win a unit at the auction, you will work out the delivery details with an auction specialist at that time who will help ensure you get competitive delivery rates to get your unit to TX.

  • Kris Radovich says:

    New and used units?

  • VAN COLEY says:

    Let me know weh the next auction is scheduled.

    • Carl Corder says:

      Hi Van, the next auction is scheduled for April 20th, and prebidding is already open! You can find it here at

      • John Grosch says:

        Be VERY careful when participating in these auctions. The website and employees falsely claim you can put in “maximum pre-bids” and the system “automatically updates the bid until your maximum bid is surpassed”. However it ACTUALLY takes your maximum prebid as you’re starting bid.

        I recently won a unit in one of the live auctions, which I am ultimately excited about. However the auction used my maximum prebid as my only bid. There was no “automatic updating” at a $100 bid increment. My maximum prebid of $2100 was taken as THE bid. There was only one other bid of $500 on the unit, and therefore I won with a final hammer price of $2100. Your maximum prebid amount WILL BE the amount you pay if you win the auction.

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